I am an astrophysicist at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA) and am interested in exoplanetary atmospheres.   My work primarily involves using numerical and analytic models to understand the atmospheres of gaseous exoplanets.  Currently, I am working with Dr. Tom M. Evans-Soma, providing modelling to better understand JWST observations; however, I maintain an active collaboration with Prof Nathan Mayne and the Exeter Exoplanet Theory Group at the University of Exeter.

Latest News

June 2024: A new paper out looking at dissipation in our UM hot Jupiter models.

Longitudinal Filtering, Sponge Layers, and Equatorial Jet Formation in a General Circulation Model of Gaseous Exoplanets” Christie et al. 2024 (accepted to MNRAS; available on arXiv)

March 2024: I have a new paper out with the Water Worlds collaboration lead by Björn Benneke.

JWST Reveals CH4, CO2, and H2O in a Metal-rich Miscible Atmosphere on a Two-Earth-Radius Exoplanet
Benneke et al. (Submitted to ApJL; available on arXiv)

February 2024: I have a new paper out with Dr. Maria Zamyatina about quenching on WASP-96b.

Quenching-driven equatorial depletion and limb asymmetries in hot Jupiter atmospheres: WASP-96b example”
Zamyatina, Christie et al. (Accepted to MNRAS)